Category: iOS
“Objective-C without all the baggage of C”
One of my developers who has a C background said about Objective-C, ‘it has a lot of baggage from C’. Apple asked the question, ‘what if we could have Objective-C, without the baggage of C’. Today they gave an answer- a new language called Swift. finally.
Version Control & Cloud access for Designers / Design Assets
GitHub is NOT the place to put your PSD’s – there is a 100 MB strict file size limit on all files, and keeping git repositories small is important to efficiency.
great podcasts for iOS developers
Here’s what keeps me awake when I drive. Most of these are developer centric but some are good for designers, too:
iOS 7 Design Resources
Recently I told one of my designers I would send him some links for iOS 7 design resources. Everything I was sending him was already in my iOS Dev notebook on Springpad, which is public and I had previously shared with him, but when I went to look at the Springpad notebook, even expanded in…
On building and marketing your application
from one of my LinkedIn contacts (re-posted with permission): Hello Mr. Kamal,Thanks for adding me to your professional network. I’m a student at Marymount University, and I’m pursuing my master degree in interior design. I’m taking a course in professional practice this semester, and working on a business plan project! My business plan is about…
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