I’ve been reading iOS 8 by Tutorials from the Ray Wenderlich Team (get the bundle, they go into an awesome level of detail). The first seven chapters are dedicated just to Adaptive Layout. They frequently mention to “uncheck constrain to margins” so I got to wondering just what this little checkbox was all about.
It’s new in Xcode 6 and deals with iOS 8 specific features of auto layout. Hint – if you’re supporting iOS 7, make sure you uncheck this. Here are some informative posts I found on the topic (below). And Justin, wish I heard about your Auto Layout book sooner – in addition to the RW bundle we just got another book just on Auto Layout, but even though it’s copyrighted this year it’s already a bit dated as it pre-dates iOS 8. Still, we’ll have to check out your book soon. 🙂 I would suggest though you offer a sample, at least publish the TOC and specify which language (Swift, Objective C, or both) you use for your example code. The RW books are all Swift-centric but they do provide Objective-C code samples in addition.

More on Constrain to margin:
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